Quality Partners Spotlight - Pilot Farm
July 24, 2020
Please say hello to Pilot Farm and their CEO Christopher Dolinar, or as friends call him, Dole.
In between growing some of the very best flower in Oregon, Dole took a break to talk inspiration, recreation, and his inspiration behind Pilot Farm.
Happiness — What processes or steps behind your cultivation are you most proud of?
Being known for practicing sustainable, regenerative agriculture has inspired others to become stewards of the land in their own ways, whether they be farmers, consumers, recyclers, neighborhood poets etc. — this network effect makes us quite happy.
Energy — What was the main catalyst that brought Pilot Farm to be?
A common belief and pursuit in that cannabis has the ability to enable what we refer to as ‘the betterment of wellbeing’ — for humanity, the planet and beyond.
Focus — What is one thing anyone new to cannabis should know while they?
In dialogue with others, we prefer to practice abstaining from using directives such as ‘should or shouldn’t’, as we’re just here feeling out our own endless journey towards balance and harmony with everyone and everything. Cannabis consumption is very personal, self-directed wellness — so perhaps practicing patience as one pursues what works and doesn’t work for them is a decent plan.
Relaxation — How did your CBD flower Moon Boots get its name? Did you ever expect it to develop its devoted following?
Funny. We tend to unintentionally lean towards spacey cosmic themes quite often. The name felt aligned to the feelings and intended consumption outcome of this new cultivar — a bit of subtle float and peaceful isolation from the heaviness we all walk upon. Maybe its popularity is a sign of the times.
Creativity — What other people inspire you today? Where do you look for inspiration?
We are fortunate in these trying times that the universe has created space for us in having to look no further than to our physical neighbors for inspiration. I see and feel the communal support daily — what more is needed for inspiration other than a (socially distanced) helping hand?
Relief — Outside of cannabis, what do you like to do to unwind and feel relief?
Tune into Nature. Run, hike, bathe, stretch and sit at the pace nature provides — be it a mountain, beach, desert or valley. Preferably with sun.
What causes or organizations are important to Pilot Farm in 2020?
Last Prisoner Project — bringing restorative justice to the cannabis industry. ‘Alliance for Sensible Markets’ — establishing vibrant, equitable and sustainable markets via interstate commerce. Pickathon’s ‘A Concert A Day’ — helping musicians in need. And various Social Equity programs being established in legal markets.